Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chapter 1 Note-taking

1) Characters: George, Lennie
     Setting: Brushes, 1930s, on their way to a ranch, coming from "Weed"
     Questions: Why does George mostly treat Lennie so rudely? Why would Lennie kill the mice he finds? Where exactly are the two going? What is a brush? What does a bindle hold in it? 

2) Prediction: I predict that Lennie and George could eventually end up getting caught for whatever they did back in "Weed." I believe that this could happen because they had just ran away from Weed, and Lennie did something pretty inappropriate. It shouldn't be too long until someone comes looking for them, and punishes Lennie for what he did. Also, neither one of them seem too bright, especially Lennie.

4) Summarize: The two main characters, George and Lennie, are on their way to a ranch to work and live. They had just ran away from Weed because of something inappropriate that Lennie did. On their way, Lennie finds some mice that he likes to pet, but ends up killing when they bite him. When the two camp out in the brush, Lennie dreams of all the animals that will be in the ranch. George is usually rude to Lennie, and sometimes complains about dealing with Lennie, saying that he could be better off without him. The two still continue to head to the ranch.

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