Monday, February 25, 2013

Chapter 2 Note-taking

1) Characters: George, Lennie, Curly, Candy, The Boss, Slim
     Setting: The ranch, stay (bunkhouse)
     Questions: Will George and Lennie stay at the ranch? Why does Curly dislike about "big guys" in this case, Lennie? Why would Slim kill the puppies?

2) PredictionI predict that Lennie and George could still eventually end up getting caught for whatever they did back in "Weed." I believe that this could happen because they had just ran away from Weed, and Lennie did something pretty inappropriate. It shouldn't be too long until someone comes looking for them, and punishes Lennie for what he did. Also, neither one of them seem too bright, especially Lennie.

I also predict that George and Lennie could get kicked out of the ranch because of Curly. Since Curly is the boss's son, the boss will only feel the need to do what's best for Curly. Curly has something against Lennie because he's big. I also think that their fighting could get out of control, and one of them could get hurt pretty badly.

4) Summarize: Lennie and George arrive at the bunkhouse where they meet an old Swamper named Candy.  Candy told them the boss was waiting and that they should speak in a correct manner when they met him.  After Lennie and George talked to the boss, George was suspecting that Candy was eavesdropping on their conversation, when Candy went to get his old good sheep dog.  They talked to Curly (son of boss) afterwards who happen to step in the bunkhouse and seemed pugnacious and cruel to Lennie in a bad manner which George strongly disliked. Slim ends up killing his dogs.

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